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iPhone General 25 Items the iPhone has rendered useless

Really? Climate problem?
My uncle lives at Austria, Europe and it seems like their connection speed is much higher due to the colder weather with the same speed subscription
So, basically cold weather now seems to help improve connectivity speed. Well, if that's the case, I'll pity those who live in the hotter regions 😂.
I somewhat don't think that iPhone rendered anything useless. It only improved on what we already have and made it better. So, I don't understand why some people would think it rendered anything useless.
iPhone Devices are currently the most popular and most used phones around the world and has made it way to remain as the most talked about mobile phone.
Came across this article on maclife, that talks about the things that the iphone has replaced. Not sure about all the things on this list, but take a look here. What would you add to the list?
This is what happens with technology advancement. I'm not surprised at all. I'm in fact looking forward to a lot more stuffs we used to apparently appreciate which technology advancement generally will take out of commission.

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