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iPhone Software Free Ringtones?


Valued Member
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
IPD Cash
Is there anywhere tpo get free ringtones? I am so tired of paying.
Havent checked any out on other phones but if you get an iphone and jailbreak it they have a few for free..I thought you didnt like music that much?
Not really, the most music I get on a daily basis is my car radio and my brother's pandora sub... (which is on right now playing some annoying rap song) but I have always downloaded different tunes for family members. My mom has Bon-Jovi's 'Livin on a prayer' ringtone. Dad has 'happy days theme song' and my brother has a Jay Z one.. every once in a while i do change them depending on their choice of music.
Lol, check out the guide I posted
Hope you can get what you want there :D
And having different ringtones kinda change the way you enjoy being called, doesn't it?

But I can't seem to get the album arts working as my country isn't fully supported by iTunes
Thanks Koki.. Yes, I like the look of people when im standing at the grocery store and Bon-Jovi starts singing the chorus from Livin' on a prayer!, LOl..

Whooah, were half way there
Livin on a prayer
Take my hand and well make it - I swear
Livin on a prayer

I will definetely look for your guide, I plan to stay on-line for a little while. Well, I need to take a break in a few but will return in an hour or so :)
Personally, I don't care much about Free Ringtones because most of the time they don't sound so good. It's why I take time to make my own ringtone or even download them.
I use my iPhone default ringtone as my ringer. I don't have any use for getting new ringtone because I don't have any use for them. I make use of Spotify for streaming any music I want. It's unfortunate you can't use the music on Spotify as your ringtone.

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