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iPhone General Get Push Mail just like Blackberry on your iPhone!


Valued Member
Sep 21, 2009
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IPD Cash
just like the title says thru GoogleSync.
Before the product only updated your calendar and contacts, but mail has now been activated meaning you can get email instantly.

It uses the iPhone's native email program, so there's no need to download any additional software.

Check it out @ Google's Mobile Blog
what is "push" mail? I hear that term a lot. what makes it sound different than checking your email from your cell phone? or is that the same meaning?
i responded in your other thread, but i'll mention it here as well. It means that mail is sent to the phone, once it reaches your email inbox, instead of you having to manually check for mail, or have to set your phone to check your inbox on a schedule.

So immediately (in theory) that an email comes in, it's sent to your phone and you get the notification of new mail.
Can we handle multiple email accounts on a blackberry? I have never tried it but I want to know does it works similar to the web browsers, or outlook which we use to check our mails?
Can we handle multiple email accounts on a blackberry? I have never tried it but I want to know does it works similar to the web browsers, or outlook which we use to check our mails?
I believe that it's very possible that you can handle multiple email accounts on a blackberry and even other devices. You can do the same thing with browsers because I have at least 10 email account active on my browser.

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