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How do you handle unwanted emails?


Valued Member
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
IPD Cash
Sometimes I receive emails even from sites I'm not suscribed to and I thought they would go to my spam folder but the still find a way into my main inbox.

How do you handle unwanted emails?
I don't think that it's possible for you to receive any emails from any website that you didn't subscribe to their mailing service. You must have in one way or another. All you can do is go and unsubscribe from their mailing list. If it doesn't work, set their email as spam. It should go to spam folder.
I don't think that it's possible for you to receive any emails from any website that you didn't subscribe to their mailing service. You must have in one way or another. All you can do is go and unsubscribe from their mailing list. If it doesn't work, set their email as spam. It should go to spam folder.
I have done that to a few emails but I still keep getting unwanted emails , I would go to Gmail app and check if I can set it to move all unwanted emails to spam folder.
My email box is pretty clean. I don't or hardly get unwanted spam emails because I don't use my email address on just about any websites that's going to spam me to death.
I have done that to a few emails but I still keep getting unwanted emails , I would go to Gmail app and check if I can set it to move all unwanted emails to spam folder.
This is what I have been doing too but some spam mails still manages to come up into my main primary box. It's very annoying dealing with all those spam messages.
I don't think that it's possible for you to receive any emails from any website that you didn't subscribe to their mailing service. You must have in one way or another. All you can do is go and unsubscribe from their mailing list. If it doesn't work, set their email as spam. It should go to spam folder.

It's why I don't use my main email address to register on any website that I'm not convinced of. I have a decoy mail that I make use of. It helps to keep my main email address free from spam.
Most of the emails I receive that are spam tend to end up in my spam box which after 30 days, will automatically delete so I am always sure to check it every so often to be sure that no mail that I should receive goes into spam.

For any emails that I receive that are spam and go into my inbox, I either mark them as spam or I will use the unsubscribe option if there is one.
I generally move them to the spam folder and then permanently delete. If they are consistent from the same place, I set up a filter to auto-delete them. :) It seems to work pretty well too.
This is what the spam folder is for. It's where I move all those unwanted mails. They all get deleted permanently after 30 days. I hate getting spam mails so much.

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