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iPhone General How long do your iPhones tend to last?


Valued Member
Dec 30, 2022
Reaction score
England, UK
IPD Cash
When it comes to iPhones, so many people tend to end up getting the new one when it is released and their old model could still be working as though it was new so most people may not know how long their iPhone may last due to them upgrading so quickly.

If you are not someone who upgrades right away, how long would you say your iPhones last?
I am always very careful when it comes to using my iPhone and is the reason why I can actually be able to make use of my iPhone for at least three years before I will start thinking about changing them, unless I just feel like I want to change it at any time.
I started using iPhone recently and this is my first iPhone smartphone that I'm making use of. I'm currently using iPhone 14 Pro Max which is still in a very good condition. I don't have any plans of changing it untill it becomes very obvious that I need to replace it.
How long your iPhone is going to last is dependent on how you use the phone. Whenever you are the kind of person who rough handles your iPhone, there is always the tendency the iPhone is going to damage quickly within one year or two years.
I have been using my current iPhone 13 pro Max since I bought it till now and it's working very well. I have only changed the charging cable twice because I was very careless with the way I was handling it and it got damage but my phone is perfectly okay.
I've been using my iPhone XR for almost three years now. I have Total Wireless so I got my iPhone XR when it was already a bit outdated. As long as my phone can work on the latest iOS update, I'll probably keep this phone for years to come. The only problem I have with it is that the volume slider doesn't work, I can't put my phone on silent from the switch and I have to manually go into the touch assist to turn it on and off. It's been an issue I have had with it since I got the phone, but I didn't want to return the phone. :V

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