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iPhone Mods and Hacks JailBreak?


Valued Member
Oct 14, 2009
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So I have been doing a ton of research online and see this thing called jailbreaking. I am wondering if this is agaisnt the APPLE TOS, or even against the law? I mean you are reverse engineering the apple software. Sounds like its trouble.

Am I wrong?
it breaks the TOS but it is not illegal, tihs is why if you return a device you've jailbroken you lose warranty/
Jailbreaking has become so easy, go to a website and BAM its broken. This is quite easy but the drawback to wanting to play some homebrews is when Apple releases a new firmware, you will have to rejailbreak and the new breaker could take time before its released.
yes kind of getting tired of the cat & mouse game re jailbreaking, i mean i get that apple has to protect their IP...but it means reduced functionality for me as a consumer.
Well, i guess u guys answered my question. IF I do get an iphone there will be no jailbreaking for me.
Dont be scared of jailbreaking..You probably have one of the last iphone 3gS's that is able to be jailbroken...If you need help just ask here...its actually quite cool to make your iphone somewhat 'custom'
the ipod touch 4 has almost all the features of a jailbroken ipod/iphone is it still worth jailbreaking it????????????

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