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iPhone General OS 3.1 breaking iphones


Valued Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I'm curious to see if there is any validity to the rumor of apple intentionally disabling/breaking jailbroken iphones. Have you been experiencing issues after you updated to OS 3.1? What issues have you been experiencing? Is your phone Jailbroken or not?
i didn't have an iphone, but my fd, he updated to OS 3.1, didn't have any problem.
I thought you said it was running 3.0, and that you were experiencing OS & camera lag?
Sorry so late for these polls..but have jailbroken and worked fine with the custom firmware update...also MMS worked fine when that update became available..updating to 3.1.2 now with blackrain and this seems to be the easiest method so far
I never experienced the issue with the upgrade at the time when I did. Maybe it was something that was experienced by the first few users that upgraded immediately the upgrade came out.

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