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iPhone Mods and Hacks The reason for Jailbreaking


Valued Member
Sep 21, 2009
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When the iPhone first launched, Jailbreaking was the only way to get Apps on Apple's closed system as well as features like tethering, recording video, copy and paste and MMS. With the advent of the App Store, 3rd party Apple endorsed apps and the iPhone 3G the reasons for Jailbreaking your phone are alot less. That said Apple's approval process for the App Store is stringent bordering on crazy and there have been times, when good apps from valid companies have been rejected or pulled from iTunes and the App Store..case in point the original Sling Player, which is now available through the App Store...The Google Voice app, and so on.

If you're interested in pushing outside Apple's box jailbreaking might be for you, but be aware that doing so voids your warranty, and if you need to take the device in for warranty be sure to return it to the stock OS first.
Thank you for this usefull information now I know more about the iPhone and its applications. I have a question though like if we don't jailbreak the iphone 3G S for example would it have a limit to the amount of applications we can put on it ?
no whether a phone is jailbroken or not doesn't limit the amount of applications you can install. On any iphone, jailbroken or not, you are only limited by the amount of space you have on the device.

Jailbreaking only gives you access to apps, not available in the App Store.
yeah i never understood @ first that you had to jailbreak to unlock, i always thought they were two separate processes.
But then again, there were also people stating that jailbreak causes the WiFi doesn't work
It's weird, it worked for some people and didn't work for some people
it could be issues with apps they have installed or a bad flash of the firmware. If the problems aren't universal i'm inclined to think that something went wrong along the way, and the best thing to do @ that point would be to restore the phone as a new device and then reload everything from scratch, instead of from a backup.
Seems so, my friend's jailbroken 3G seems fine
I'm sure it's a bad flash.
Also, I was wondering does jailbreak improves the camera?
I don't think Jailbreaking can improve the camera, but there have been in the past the capability to improve the functionality, for eg jailbreak apps like Snapture.

Stuff like video recording etc were first available from the jailbreak community.

Snapture just recently released a recent version in the official App Store.
I think it's more advantageous for a power user, i think the average consumer is ok with the iPhone @ stock, plus alot of the apps that are in the Cydia store, are becoming available in the official store.

I'm glad that Cydia and Jailbreaking is there though, it helps to push the envelope, and keep Apple innovating.

But in the same vein, it can cause alot of problems for someone who doesn't know what they're doing, or who doesn't research enough before they do the jailbreak.

Kind of wish the phone was open and there was no need to jailbreak....but that is just wishful thinking.
If the phone is fully open, then the exclusivity of iPhone will be pretty much be nothing
But still, a lot of users buy an iPhone and jailbreak it though
but it doesn't have to lose it's carrier exclusivity for apple to open up the sdk to developers and give them access to the hardware level, so that better apps could be created only limited by the creativity of developers, and not by apple's stringent rules of what they deem worthy or not.

Carrier exclusivity has nothing to do with application development.
Somehow makes sense. But still, having open SDK is like letting everyone to make apps for the phone itself.
If they make fully-unlocked phones, it'll somehow have some side effects, and no one knows what it is
My reason for jailbreaking was mainly customization...which i havent heard of an app like winterboard coming to the app store but maybe in the future..but yes I agree with DRT if you dont know what you are doing its probably best to leave it like it is..and most users are probably ok with "stock"..If iphones were left alone as far as no strict rules for creating an apple approved app there would be even more crap than there is now and the user friendly interface the phone is known for may not be so user friendly anymore
Ahh, there's also another reason to jailbreak - the themes you can add to the main pages rather than just plain black background
I even saw them trying to cheat iPhone users here in Malaysia saying that they'll make themes for them, but for a price of RM200++
Thats insane.. I really had no idea that ppl could be duped into thinking this is something they cant do on their own..the most we have here in America (at least where I live) are middle eastern folks who run kiosk's in the mall trying to sell you phone accessories
There are a lot of imitations for sale here, even laptop cooler products are imitated.
And that the jailbroken iPhone used to cheat other users are actually a display unit in an exhibition by the telco that provides the iPhone itself
a customer just walks in interested in buying the phone and they use it as an upsell..kind of clever but still bad for the customer..I take it youve been there..do they just have like winterboard on it and show the customer diff themes?
Nah, they showed the phone itself with a theme in use
I'm not sure what theme, but I heard that promoter guy said need to bring to let someone "do" it for them and it costs 200 dollars ++
I was actually at the exhibition looking at the iPhone plans when I overheard this conversation

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