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iPhone Rumormill Verizon testing 4g LTE iPhone


Valued Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Rumors are floating that Apple is testing a 4g iPhone on the Verizon network, in the same breath of the rumor that they're also testing the Apple Tablet. Are there two separate devices or are they one and the same.

And strange that Verizon would release ads this weekend lambasting the iPhone and be planning to release one of their own? Seems kind of suspect.
hmmm sounds like just another rumor to me...howcome this particular rumor didnt surface until after Verizon started running those ads? Sounds fishy to me..

If this was true than the ads just couldve been attacking ATT's iphone? And all those idonts would in fact be on the verizon networks iphone?if there were such a thing

Will keep an eye out to see if I hear of this again tho
4g?!?! Whats that? lol sorry I sound so stupid.. I called AT&T and they told me its only 3g.. no more and nothing planned.
Well, I would be really happy if apple would get out of this exclusive agreement with AT&T. Verizon has much better network in my area at least.
Having other providers can only mean better (more) sales for Apple, especially since the device is hot right now.

Also because of AT&T's weaknesses and the spotty service claims, having other providers with the device would also alleviate the demands on AT&T's network.

It would essentially be a win/win for consumers, the only downside i guess would be the interoperability between the networks and thus devices...so if you have an iPhone on AT&T and decide to move to Verizon or Sprint, it would mean you'd need a whole new device.
unless verizon and sprint got rid of cdma and went with sim cards...that would be nice
This news as I interpret means that, iPhone is coming to Verizon, and since Verizon is a CDMA network, so we would be having an iPhone compatible with it. Because if Verizon is to switch to GSM it is a huge cost and as the news say Verizon wants to piggy-back on Apple and Apple wants to increase sales, by providing alternative network for the dissatisfied customers of AT & T. However Apple is not going to switch entirely, loosing its present clientage. So the whole story relates well, no matter they advertise it or not.

I hope that there exists some benefit for the end user, and the technological fusion complies and work in their interest as far as the LTE is concerned.
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4g is a developing technology stewie, it's not released yet.
How technology used to progress so quickly. Now, we have 5G and 4G is now old technology. It's why when it comes to tech today, nothing freaks me again.

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