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What is your all time favorite movie?

Hmm, this is a hard one. There are lots of movie out there but I think I'd go for.....


Old classic, made me cry a few times. :)
I dont know why i cant just forget about titanic.
it just a very good movie for me. :)

but i really have many favorite movies
like hp. :p
too many to name! I really the classic Disney cartoons like Dumbo, Pinnochio, etc. I like all the comic heroes films like Xmen, Spiderman, Transformers...
i like drama so movies that have stood out for me are movies like Dirty Dancing, Meet Joe Black, City of Angels or maybe that's romance...hmmm...but i've also been drawn to movies like Lucky Number Slevin.
Mannn, haha, so many good ones.

Shawshank is a really good movie.

meet the robinsons.

flashpoint(japanese action movie, the main actor is an amazing martial artist.)
and plenty more movies.
Shawshank is an excellent movie..dont think I have a all time fave..my favorite for the moment I guess would be Stand By Me or The Goonies :D
Mine would be : The Last Samurai, I really loved that movie. I get attracted to the movie with a moral story behind it.
My all time favorite movie is definetely 'Shawshank Redemptions'. There is something about that movie that makes me want to see it each and everytime is on TV. I must of seen it close to 10 times and it still keeps me captured, its as if Im watching it for the first time every time. Most of my female friends prefer the romantic movies like 'Titanic' and 'The Notebook' and yeah those are excellent movies but I dont think I could watch them over and over again.. Its just not the same.
I like the movie "300"
War of the Spartans lead by King Leonidas against Xerxes and the Persians
This epic tale taught me courage, bravery and also sacrificial of oneself for others
Also the kicking part is really funny :D
Ha ha ha.. yeah, it was. 'MAD TV' did a spoof on it and im sure many other shows did it as well. It was a great scene. It was a really good movie, i wished it would of had a better ending, a happy ending but hey, life is not always perfect!
To be honest I have never seen that movie and everyone else in the world I know did..just didnt appeal to me at all..In reality alot of the movies that come out now dont..

I went as far as to see the transformers movies in the theatre's cuz I loved them as a kid..I dont really know what I was expecting but in any case I remember why I dont like Hollywood to remake something I like..

A recent movie that I can say I like was inglorious basterds..I always like his movies bcuz of the amount of dialouge in them but its still not the same as his older movies..I read the reviews for that movie and it said that the ppl who enjoyed the movie the most were older cats(not literally) btwn 40-55..Kill Bill was more appealing to viewers in my age range..It was a good movie but I didnt like how popular it became among many dumbs**ts my age..
I really wanted to see inglorious basterds but I read a few reviews that said they were way to gory. Im not a huge blood fan, I pass out when I get a paper cut. But everything I read on it looked like it was a great movie.
favorite movie

My favorite movie is "Babe" (1995). This film is a sweet comedy that tells the story of a piglet who wants to become a sheepdog. The film is based on the book "The Sheep-Pig" authored by Dick King-Smith. I warmly recommend this film for any animal lover. And most important of all, it's one of the precious few films which doesn't contain obscene language.
My favourite all time movie would be The Avengers : End Game.

It's the very best of all the movies Marvel have worked on in their history.
I enjoy watching shooting movies so much and I love it when it's real life event movie. With that being said, my favourite movie of all time is going to be 13 Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
My all time favorite movie is the wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
Some of my all time favorite movies are ;
1. Blood Diamond
2. Pirates of the Caribbean
3. Iron Monkey
My favourite movie right now is John Wick chapter 4.

I've watched all of the chapters in John Wick and Chapter 4 stood out as the very best.

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