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Recent content by Flint

  1. Flint

    iPhone General How long do your iPhones tend to last?

    How long your iPhone is going to last is dependent on how you use the phone. Whenever you are the kind of person who rough handles your iPhone, there is always the tendency the iPhone is going to damage quickly within one year or two years.
  2. Flint

    iPhone General Are you going to buy iPhone 15?

    Since I have not purchased iPhone 15 by now, I don't think it is going to be wise for me to spend that huge amount of money in buying the phone. I will probably have to wait until when iPhone 16 or iPhone 17 comes out before I will buy a new upgrade.
  3. Flint

    iPhone General Have you ever had issues with your iPhone charging cable?

    Yes, I have replaced my iPhone charger cable only once. I stepped on the brush mouth of the charger and it damaged. I had to change it because it could no longer charge my iPhone.
  4. Flint

    iPhone General Has your iPhone ever overheated?

    If you're on any kind of smartphone for hours, it's definitely going to heat up and become hot. I've experienced this with both my iPhone and Samsung galaxy phones too.
  5. Flint

    iPhone General Do you find that your iPhone lags?

    I've never used any smartphone which lagged on me. This is because all the smartphone I've used are at least a minimum of 6GB RAM. With 6GB RAM, it will be difficult for the phone to lag.
  6. Flint

    iPhone General Has your iPhone frozen on you?

    I've never experienced this with any iPhone since I started using them 5 years ago. I've seen it happen with android smartphones especially when the RAM is very low.
  7. Flint

    iPhone General Which OS does your iPhone currently have?

    I am always making use of the current operating system of any iPhone that I'm using which is as a result of always having my operating system on automatic update whenever there is a new version to update to.
  8. Flint

    iPhone General How often do you use Apple Pay?

    I don't usually use my Apple pay most of the time but whenever there is something which is really important and it's going to be of more advantage for me to make payment with my Apple pay, that is what I will use in that circumstance.
  9. Flint

    iPhone General What if the iPhone mini came back?

    I find using smaller phones very difficult to use, so it's not going to be possible for me to use such iPhone if it ever came back. I love using bigger phones to have better views and display on the screen.
  10. Flint

    iPhone General Can you replace the battery on an iPhone?

    Yes, it can be possible to change the battery of an iPhone as long as you know how to open and dismantle the battery, remove it and have it replaced.
  11. Flint

    iPhone General Which version of iPhone 14 Pro Max are you using?

    The iPhone 14 Pro Max comes in 3 different versions. There's 256 GB, 512 GB and 1 TB versions that's sold at £1309, £1529 and £1749 respectively. I would have loved to buy the 1 TB version but it's too expensive for me. Which version are you making use of?
  12. Flint

    iPhone General Do you pay for extra cloud storage on your iPhone?

    I've never paid for extra cloud storage on my iPhone. This is because I don't save a lot on my iPhone. I had more than enough which I don't have use for, so I never needed to pay for an extra.
  13. Flint

    Netbook or Laptop?

    I've used both Notebook and laptop but because I'm more used to laptops, it's going to be my pick. There's nothing wrong with using Notebook at all. It's a great device.
  14. Flint

    Which console would you want?

    I've always wanted to own Playstation 5 since it was released. I'm happy to have it finally since last two months. It's been so good for my gaming experience.
  15. Flint

    iPhone App Store Your all time favorite game Apple Shooting For iPhone & iPad V1.4 Now for FREE

    There are so many free shooting games that are available on Apple store. I've played so many of them and they are all interesting as well as challenging to complete. Even though they are free to play, you're not going to find it easy.

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