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  1. goodies

    Good Phones

    The reason iPhone is awesome is not only its appearance and user interface design. The company concentrates on what users really want. They just connect the program required by the users. It’s so simple. If we need some functions, we shall just do the choice about that, and use it with iPhone.
  2. Kransky

    I Phones

    Pretty cool... and it works just fine using the microphone on your earbuds. I can see that i am going to have to practice my diction (not a bad thing) in order to get the most out of this app. A note to people who are on the fence: Yes, the memory is limited, but when you hit the wall, you can...
  3. teapot

    I Phones

    In the exciting new category of modern hand-held computers — devices that fit in your pocket but are used more like a laptop than a traditional phone — there has so far been only one serious option

    New I Phones

    I got it 2 weeks ago and it is superb. I bought the i Phone and didn't open it for 1 week until I got the invisible Shield. Before I activated the phone, I put the invisible Shield on. The material is awesome. Even if you manage to have some bubbles on it, they will be gone in 2 to 3 days. I...
  5. teapot

    I phones

    We all know that we can transfer app's from one iPhone to another, but it doesn't transfer the INFORMATION inside the app. Is there a way to do this? I hate having to take the time*, AGAIN*imputing information into app's that are databases like movie lists, home inventory, etc.*
  6. stewie

    Mobile phones and Cancer Link?

    What do you think? According to researchers there is no link between cell usage and cancer, they claim the radiation coming out of our cell phones is very low to create any health issues, however in a recent report i watched on fox 5 the Doctor that was being interviewed said that although...
  7. iPhone General iPhone phones home

    Apparently Apple has created a signature server, and the device phones home whenever you restore your iPhone or Ipod via Itunes. It checks the device identifier and the firmware version on your phone. What this implies for i-product users...is that Apple can prevent users from being able to...
  8. iPhone Rumormill OS 3.0.1 and 3.1 break jailbroken phones

    I came across the rumor @ the iphoneblog, one user is claiming the reason why users are having so many issues with the 3.0.1 and 3.1 updates is that Apple purposefully included software to "break" jailbroken phones, essentially rendering them useless, and this is the cause of users signal issues...

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