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Do you celebrate halloween?


Valued Member
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
IPD Cash
I dont have any kids but for years i would take my younger brother trick or treating I always dressed up. I have been a witch, a pirate, a 70's chick, a nun, etc... and even though my brother is now doing his own thing i still 'celebrate' it. My college friends and i had a Halloween party at the dorms yesterday and we had an amazing time! Thank God there were no problems, everything was fun, eating, some drinking and games!

I was dressed as a baby. :)

Did anyone here go trick or treating? anyone got dressed up?
What is Halloween?

In my part of the world there is no such thing as Halloween. What is Halloween - a religious festival or some relic of an old pagan tradition? Personally, I celebrate anything that doesn't involve alcohol, lewd behavior and ear deafening music. From seeing the different web graphics for Halloween I must say that it looks like something which could scare a small child.
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