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iPhone General Would you want a Wireless Keyboard for your iPhone?


Valued Member
Sep 21, 2009
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IPD Cash
I came across an article this morning on iphoneblog, that mentioned rumors of Apple releasing a wireless keyboard.

The author intonated (read pleaded) in his article that Apple make it compatible with the iPhone, but here's my question would you want an external keyboard for your phone? Certainly can't imagine lugging that thing around.

And for most purposes where you're near a computer, you can fairly easily sync information between your computer and the phone, so anything that needs elaborate typing could be done that way.

Im not buyin it..even if it were one of those tiny rubber keyboards that fold up so they dont take up alot of space...There are certain things for me that can just wait until I get to a computer..even the idea of using the phone to tether..I probably wouldnt use that unless I absolutely had to.
I have tried to type on my friends iPhone and really cant get used to the keyboard. I like to feel the keys it helps me since I dont really look at the keyboard when im typing. So yes I guess id love to get one. Or better yet, have to
yes but they're talking about lugging this with you everywhere to have a keyboard. That kind of doesn't make sense....if you don't find typing well on the iphone working for you, maybe it's not the right fit, there are other phones that have keyboards

Jebus...lol..talk about making a scene where ever you go...

Ha Ha Ha! Great reaction.

Nah i really dont need it that bad, is not like a table is available everywhere we go... Unless you use your friends, family and co-workers to lay this thing on.. It is very cute and stylish though.
You know what I have a blutooth keyboard on my mind it comes in a protector case...it is full QWERTY and slides out from beneath the iPhone......its convenient and nice.....but awirless one no thanks.
I'm a very big fan of anything that's wireless. I'm already very tired of using wired gadgets. It's just like my Playstation console controllers, they are all wireless.
We are in the new age already. Who doesn't want a wireless tech gadget? I would love to have a wireless keyboard for my iPhone and any other computer devices.
It's always going to be a wireless option for me. Haven't I used wired option more than enough? There's a good reason why they developed the wireless keyboard and I'm taking that opportunity.
The wireless keyboard will be useful for the iPad more than for a regular iPhone since the screen of an iPad is much wider and would pose a stress to hold and work with.
From my observations recently, every tech we have today are all upgrading to wireless features. As far as I'm concerned, it's a very good welcomok development for new iPhone products.
This is the first time I have ever heard that Apple was considering a keyboard for the iPhone. I would imagine it would be a small one that would have connected to your phone so it was made easy and simple. I can't say I would use a keyboard myself with my iPhone if I am honest as I am more than happy to use the on-screen keyboard when I used my phone to send messages or type anything but I could see how some people may find this useful if they ever were to release it for the iPhone.

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